In 2019, we launched our own podcast and vlog network, The Original People Network, to bring a new flavor to the content creation game. There are a lot of voices that need to be heard and we wanted to be the outlet for you to hear them.

How it go?! #ErrytingKool
Erryting Kool is the first and flagship show of The Original People Network. Hosted by Lord Jaylin Willard, this podcast is filled of surprises, dynamic topics and great conversation with amazing guest.
Find Your Love: The Dating Show
Erryting Kool
Listen to the first episode of the show that started it all! Erryting Kool is a show where Millennials and Generations Z Bahamians discuss a wide range of topics from life, love, and everyday happenings.
Well Mudda Sick!
Pop in this tape and take an afternoon drive as Lord Jaylin Willard takes you on a journey of introspection, enlightenment, and pure vibes.