In 2018, we saw a need for Bahamian creatives to understand the business of the entertainment industry and to highlight Bahamian culture. Our answer was The Junkanoo Trademark. A creative agency that specializes in talent management and brand curation.

We are the embodiment of Junkanoo.
These are the core values of the agency and this is our approach when we engage in any project.

Make it stand out.
The First Saxons Shack
Welcome to the first interview of #JunkanooStories! In this episode, Percy 'Vola' Francis and Philip Cooper talk about the formation of The Shell Saxons Superstars Junkanoo Group and the inception of their first Junkanoo Shack!
No Junkanoo?!
In this episode of #JunkanooStories, we are joined by the legendary Arlene Nash Ferguson, Director of The Educulture Junkanoo Museum. Today she is going to tell us the last time there were no Junkanoo parades. Believe it or not, 2020 was not the first time. Sit back and enjoy!
Who Was John Canoe?
In this episode of #JunkanooStories, we have Christopher Ömo-Shango Davis joining us for a conversation about who was John Canoe. Many say he was a slave that was freed but Mr. Davis is about to give us the real story.
The ‘Goin’ Down On Bay’ Challenge
In the Fall 2018, we embarked on a collaboration with Bahamian music artist Julien Believe and his latest single, ‘Goin’ Down On Bay’. For the first time ever, we captured the choreography section of every Category A Junaknoo Group.